New Plymouth Ratepayers Alliance

The New Plymouth District Ratepayers Alliance was formed in 2021 by a local Councillor, a local businessman, and the current Chairman. They were concerned about increasing rates and wasteful spending at the New Plymouth District Council. They wanted to provide a forum for people in the New Plymouth District to discuss issues in the lead up to the election in 2022.

In 2024 the Ratepayers Alliance has had a slight change of direction and a new team of people have come on board. The original Councillors involved in the set up are concentrating on Council responsibilities and the reins have shifted to a group of 12 committee members focusing on issues and change needed before the 2025 election.

Our purpose is to STOP

Big Rate Increases

Budget Shortfalls

No Transparency

What we stand for

Working together

Help Ratepayers and Renters understand how decisions made at Council meetings affect increased costs in our own homes, which then affect decisions we make in our lives.

A big team of voices

One person can't make change at local Government level, but a big team of voices can. We want to build that big team of voices so the Councils have to listen.

Good governance

Create pressure on our Councils to reduce wasteful spending, improve business practices and enhance financial performance. Inform Ratepayers and Renters where there are issues of concern.

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